Documentary Life Magic

Proud to be a Leading Lady

Walikale, North Kivu, DRC

I am so honored to be a featured game changer this week on Leading Ladies 904 in my hometown of Jacksonville, Florida. Check out the interview below! This is a self-portrait with some of the survivors of gender-based violence that IMA has rehabilitated. I spent valentines day interviewing these powerful women on their experiences with violence and their path to recovery. It may seem odd that I am smiling amongst women who have had such horrible experiences, but the funny thing is, these ladies were all smiles and laughter off camera. We had a really fun day together. But as soon as they got in front of the camera they got really serious. I even asked them to smile and just be themselves but they wouldn’t. It’s a cultural thing actually. Congolese people, in general, are like this. All smiles all the time until the camera comes out.

To read the full story about these remarkable women click here. It is a story that starts sad but thanks to IMA and its amazing work through the Ushindi project, the ending is a happy one of friendship and sisterhood.

Magic 67/365, Together, Walikale, North Kivu, DR Congo


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