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Virunga National Park

Documentary Landscapes Life

The Most Dangerous Thing I’ve Ever Done

Crystal Stafford, Virunga National Park, DRC, Congo

“Isn’t it dangerous?” I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been asked some variant of the above question. Especially while living and working in Congo, where decades of war and instability have wreaked havoc on millions. But worldwide, less than half a million people die from war and murder combined per year. Malaria? 429,000 deaths per year. Cigarette smoking kills 480,000 people per year in the United States (41,000 from second-hand…

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Nyiragongo Volcano, Virunga National Park, DRC.
Magic Travel

Fire and Love

In honor of Valentines Day here is a photo of Antonio and me at the top of Nyiragongo volcano in Virunga National Park in the eastern…