Documentary Landscapes Life


Walikale, Democratic Republic of Congo, DRC

I traveled to this little village in Nord Kivu to interview women who have survived sexual violence. The only way to get there was by UN helicopter because rebels have cut off access to the region. You would never know by looking at this photo that war has wreaked havoc on the area for decades. Looks can be deceiving.

This was one of the most memorable trips I took during my time in Congo. I was blown away by the pristine beauty of the place. The helicopter stopped at several outposts on our way back to Goma and flew over some of the most epic landscapes I have seen in DRC. Huge swaths of untouched rainforests, large waterfalls cascading from misty, forested hillsides. I tried to imagine a Congo where peace prevailed and proud leaders protected these last wild places. Instead of UN helicopters, there would be daily flights full of tourists with their camera’s poised. I hope someday Congo will get there, because it is truly a magnificent place.

Magic 360/365, Walikale, North Kivu, DRC, 2017

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