Animals Travel

Deep Below

Moorea, French Polynesia

There are two directions I would like to take my photography, high above and deep below. Both are going to cost me. This is a photo I took from the end of my dock at the little bungalow I rented on the island of Moorea in French Polynesia. These sharks spent hours lurking there on the bottom as I and other guests swam around on the surface. The thing was, they were waiting for their evening treat. No, not an innocent swimmer tourist, literally a treat from the hotel kitchen. Each evening at 6:30 the cook brought out the leftover bits of fish from the day and fed the sharks as if they were puppies who had behaved well. I sat out there for an hour or so before and each minute, as the clock ticked closer to 6:30, the sharks inched their way up closer and closer to the surface. Never bothering a human, just peacefully waiting for their evening treat.

Magic 93/365, Deep Below, Moorea, French Polynesia, 2013

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