Life Magic

Family Thanksgiving in Rio

This best friend of mine, more of a soul brother than bestie, he and I have been everywhere together. We became soul friends for life in Russia when we were just 17. And then right after HE graduated from college (a good year before me because he was a much better student than I back then) he came and lived with me in Hawaii. And THEN when I moved to Congo, guess who came and lived there for a few months? Michael Boyd Stout. He is my ride or die in the truest sense of the phrase. And now, a few weeks ago when we got the wild idea to spend our “gap month” in Rio, I thought to myself, “I bet Michael would come.” And here is. He flew in on the red eye this morning and is ready to throw down for our 2nd thanksgiving abroad, the first was in Russia 23 years ago.

Magic 326/365, Thanksgiving Breakfast, Santa Teresa, Brazil, November 22, 2018

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