


  • Crystal Stafford, Democratic Republic of Congo
    Documentary Magic

    Bright Eyes

    I love photos like this, a true representation of the world right now. A healthy baby, bright-eyed and vibrant… and in this case a little…

  • Crystal Stafford, Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo

    The Youth is on Fire

    This little girl was making waves in Goma, DRC. She was a young activist for women’s rights and she had just read a poem…

  • Jacksonville, Florida, Spiritualized Life

    Spiritualized Life

    I believe that everyone needs a place. This was my place for many years while I was working hard as a musician living next…

  • Crystal Stafford, Democratic Republic of Congo

    The Source

    I took this photo on the way down to the local water source in Mutoto, a village a few hours away from Kananga in…

  • Loko, Nord Ubangi, DRC, Congo
    Documentary Magic

    Magic in the Making

    This picture was only the beginning of a long day of mishaps during a field mission in Nord Ubangi, an equatorial region on the…

  • Walikale, Democratic Republic of Congo, DRC
    Documentary Landscapes Life


    I traveled to this little village in Nord Kivu to interview women who have survived sexual violence. The only way to get there was…

  • Cape of Good Hope, South Africa

    The Bird Clan

    Birds. If there is one thing I remember about my childhood in relation to my father it’s birds. I remember him bringing home injured…